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    Middle School

    Pinnacle Charter Schools Middle School Program

    Why Start Online Learning in High School? Begin Now with Pinnacle’s Middle School Program!

    Don’t wait until high school to experience the benefits of online learning. Pinnacle Charter Schools’ Middle School Program is the perfect introduction for students and families ready to embrace the challenge of a dynamic, online educational environment. Our middle school curriculum is ideal for former homeschoolers and students who thrive with the freedom to learn at their own pace and in their own way.

    Seamless Transition to High School

    Built on Common Core Standards, our middle school courses provide a seamless transition into online high school. With a fully articulated and comprehensive academic program that spans from middle school to high school, you don’t need to jump from school to school. Pinnacle Charter Schools offers an integrated educational experience that prepares students for future academic success.

    Comprehensive Curriculum

    Our middle school curriculum covers essential subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Students will develop crucial skills such as brainstorming, problem-solving, and research through a variety of activities, assessments, and assignments. Each lesson includes clear objectives and expectations to guide students through their learning journey.

    Middle School Class Offerings


    Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Electives
    Language Arts 6A Mathematics 6A Science 6A Social Studies 6A 6th Health (A/B)
    Language Arts 6B Mathematics 6B Science 6B Social Studies 6B Art (A/B)
    Language Arts 7A Mathematics 7A Science 7A Social Studies 7A Career Explorations (A/B)
    Language Arts 7B Mathematics 7B Science 7B Social Studies 7B Coding (A/B)
    Language Arts 8A Mathematics 8A Science 8A Social Studies 8A Digital Art and Design
    Language Arts 8B Mathematics 8B Science 8B Social Studies 8B Exploring Business
    ELL IV Reading 6A Exploring Health Science
    ELL IV Writing 6A Exploring Music
    ELL IV Reading 7A Fitness
    ELL IV Writing 7A Game Design (A/B)
    ELL IV Reading 8A Journalism
    ELL IV Writing 8A Photography (A/B)
    Theater (A/B)

    Tailored Support for All Students

    In addition to the core middle school curriculum, Pinnacle Charter Schools offers prerequisite classes in Math and English for students who need additional support to reach their current grade level. These dynamic classes meet students where they are and become more challenging as the student progresses, ensuring they are well-prepared for higher-level work.

    Join Pinnacle Charter Schools Today

    Embark on a rewarding educational journey with Pinnacle Charter Schools’ Middle School Program. Our comprehensive curriculum, tailored support, and seamless transition to high school ensure that students are well-equipped for future academic success. Enroll now and discover the benefits of a personalized, online learning experience.

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