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‘If you follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.’- The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers, 1985
Many students lack a sense of direction in life leading to stress and monotony. Lately, following your bliss is the new ideology to go about in life. ‘Bliss’ means supreme happiness, utter joy or contentment, the great joy of heaven or paradise.

The question lies why is there a need to follow your bliss?
The answer is that following your bliss gives you an utter level of satisfaction in life along with fulfillment. Bliss is the pathway to happiness. Here are 3 simple steps to know your bliss in life:

  1. Listen and find out: Listen to your inner core and the intuitions. The innate desire of your soul is to evolve deeply. Find out what fancies your soul.
    The passion cultivated in your mind since childhood is your real bliss. Some people are lucky who already know their bliss, but for the others, some level of discovery and the courage of introspection is needed. Find little things that add a spark of joy, make you fulfilled and develop a strong sense of desire in you.
  2. Strive for it: You will feel the success of accomplishment and the pleasure of getting your rewards once you start performing. Keep a track of your doings and how you feel about them in a journal.
  3. Stay consistent: You don’t aspire to live and be happy; it is the ardent need of your soul. You need to water your soul for it to flourish. Start finding meaning in what you already do.

Following your bliss is not a one day job. It is an activity, a daily routine that never stops. Of course, there are fluctuations in life that make your moments worthwhile.

Give yourself time to figure out what you crave for. Find your passion as it is beautifully worded by Oprah Winfrey, "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."

Have the courage to follow your bliss!

Pinnacle Charter Schools’ prime priority is to mentor students at each step in life. Our online schools provide opportunities for students to find the right fit for their academic needs.

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