Make sure your Online High School Diploma is from an Accredited Institution

Receiving your high school diploma and graduating from an accredited institution is an important accomplishment, one that every student should be proud of. Acquiring a high school diploma will assist students in preparing for careers and new opportunities, including college and university opportunities. Do you remember the 'online diploma mill' problem? Attending an Online High School that is not accredited can set you back years and be deflating to find that the high school diploma you worked hard to achieve is not valid. Accreditation is necessary to ensure that your hard efforts amount to something. 

Accreditation is important because it stipulates that the student has undertaken rigorous coursework and has met expected standards as laid out by the education system. Accredited high school diplomas assure Higher Educations institutions and companies that students have the necessary capabilities they are looking for. Without accredited high school diploma programs, how else can we ensure the highest quality standards for education? 


Pinnacle Charter Schools provides a tuition-free education for students to find the right fit for their academic needs. Enrollment is open to all students from grades 6 to 12, and new groups start every week throughout the school year.

Pinnacle Charter Schools is an affiliate of MGRM Pinnacle, Inc. In January 2013, MGRM Pinnacle achieved recognition by AdvancED as having been granted its Corporate Systems Accreditation. AdvancED has merged with Measured Progress and is now known as Cognia, all Pinnacle Charter Schools can be found in Cognia's International Registry for Accreditation. Among the first organizations in the world to achieve this honor, all MGRM Pinnacle schools are included under this accreditation. In order to achieve the Corporate Systems Accreditation MGRM Pinnacle as an organization, and each one of its affiliate schools, has demonstrated the highest level of commitment to teaching, learning and continuous improvement. Put your education in the hands of the school that is acknowledged by educational professionals as being among the leaders in online learning.

Pinnacle Charter Schools & Learning Centers Accreditation

  • Pinnacle Online High School: Accredited since November 29, 2005
  • Pinnacle High School - Tempe: Accredited since January 24, 2013
  • Pinnacle Charter High School - Tempe East: Accredited since September 30, 2002
  • Pinnacle Charter High School: Accredited since October 4, 2003
  • Pinnacle High School - Casa Grande: Accredited since July 5, 2000
  • AZ College Preparatory Academy: Accredited since November 29, 2005 in partnership with Pinnacle Education, Inc.

MGRM Pinnacle International High School Accreditation

  • MGRM Pinnacle International High School: Accredited since June 30, 2004

NCAA Approved
Are you a Student Athlete? Core courses from the subject areas of English, World Languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are NCAA Approved. Pinnacle Charter Schools is an approved NCAA core course provider. Visit the NCAA website, and enter our High School Code (030666), then click the submit button to learn more.